Monday, December 03, 2007

My crystal ball !

Eyes met to the beginnings
of a new world,
the unknown heaven.
bidding farewell,
to the one I know.

There, I lay in peace,
comfortably numb
to the pain, from truth
and the many lies,
while I am in my
beautiful dream.

Away from a cynical past
far from the gaze
that questioned me,
& a conflicting mind
which I bore on thyself,
I flew away,
to a noone's land
while I am in my
beautiful dream…

It ran out like
thin water, in streams
and I tried to capture,
with clasped palms & fists
this miniscule mind shift,
all that I got to drift
while I am in my
beautiful dream…


Jo said...

Wow, love that last stanza, the clasped palms and fists, the miniscule mind shift......great.

Christine Swint said...

Sarayu, your poem is lovely. My dream life is very important to me, so your poem holds a special meaning. The illustration matches the poem so well. Dreams can be a pleasant escape from daytime troubles.

I'm tagging you to write a poem that includes seven little known facts about you. You can visit my blog for details.

K.M.Ryan said...

Is it really a beautiful dream, or an escape from the obvious pains of reality?

I like this piece. good job :-)

DayDreamer said...

There is a fine line of liquid tension between dreams and reality, and you illustrated it perfectly. nicely done.