Monday, July 05, 2010


O' wanderer that seeks me at night,
our secrets lay untold, in closed eye.
name I not know yours, you not mine,
yet your words rumble in my mind.
your mind wiggles never in order at any time,
not one story or a pattern to see,
of dis-chorded whims and whine.

tears trickle down my unaware skin,
a giggle parts my innocent lips,
brows squiggle in unattractive drifts,
how you abet me to resign to such tricks?

still I will look for you,
silent nights, I crave you.
O wanderer seek me at night,
I am at the lover's wine, there by the sea,
On full moon nights and crescent delights,
you know where to come, home.
move not a finger, fetch me by your thought.


EM said...

I seek you not in the night,
but in every dream that sways in the moonlight,
...that you may yet find me
in the path laid by the stars
all the way from your heart unto mine.

Oh I know your name!
For I sing to the stars, the heavens,
and to everyone that listens...
In every painful moment I wait for you,
with every eager step I take towards you.

Will you not blink your eyes,
for but one moment forget the world,
and fill your thoughts with mine?
For an instant of your love
shall carry me over the heavens,
over the distances that keep us,
to your embrace, to our home.

Kitchen worktops guy said...

Beautiful imagery. I love "crescent delights."