Saturday, March 13, 2010

Price to pay

To walk the forbidden maze,
to see beyond known,
even if it were a try,
the price to be me,
is to give away
every last bit,
anything I hold mine.
sometimes I fear
this will not do,
to catch my dreams,
I wont be enough,
which like a fairy cloud
faintly dingles,in skies of hope,
remains evasive,throwing echoes,
calling me, calling in loops aloud.
Have I,wandered too far?
can not remember why or where,
home has lost its flavor,
of its nature,inane character,
should I let fear drive
while I give up on me?
to dream is a gift
but will it befit me?
Then again I often ask,
to drift away,
from your own truth
is it not to push away
life to soot?
hoping it will not,
knowing it would,
take the whole of me
even if it were a try
I stand as I should
alone, yet bloody good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very shorts, simple and easy to understand, bet some more comments from your side would be great