Monday, July 05, 2010


O' wanderer that seeks me at night,
our secrets lay untold, in closed eye.
name I not know yours, you not mine,
yet your words rumble in my mind.
your mind wiggles never in order at any time,
not one story or a pattern to see,
of dis-chorded whims and whine.

tears trickle down my unaware skin,
a giggle parts my innocent lips,
brows squiggle in unattractive drifts,
how you abet me to resign to such tricks?

still I will look for you,
silent nights, I crave you.
O wanderer seek me at night,
I am at the lover's wine, there by the sea,
On full moon nights and crescent delights,
you know where to come, home.
move not a finger, fetch me by your thought.