Tuesday, December 08, 2009

In red and apart

Our heavens are apart
as gods we talk
we stand alone
with lonely hearts
though the guilt
echoes our thoughts
we stand in red
we stand apart

Take a cue
this gloomy hue
what made a smile
turn into rue
you were there
and you could change
you turned your back
left your men to brood

our worlds apart
as gods we talk
alone we stand
with guilty thoughts
we stand in red
turn men to graves
those eerie cries,
how may you try
will come with us.

Coo Coo

I wanna go on a world wide tour,
I wanna make those dreams come true
this is the time I fly,
this moment all mine,
this lady is gonna make every one coo
coo coo, to my tune...

lets take a boat and sail ,Oh look
far away, every corner and nook
use the rainbows to climb the clouds
and open taps of showers
in rains, rainbows lets coo
coo coo, to my tune..

let me know ,more about you
brown black rose which ever hue
take my heart and show me you
who ever you hide with in you
so I can make you coo
coo coo, to my tune.

In your arms

Let me fall, fall free

so you could catch me

in your arms, in their warmth

let me be glee

However I try , and despise

let me not dream or see

anything but you with me

in your arms, in their warmth

let me be glee

cause I don't want to ever lose you

to the silly fights that I have with you

I never said it's gonna be easy

but I know there is nothing I feel so true

Oh, so let me fall free,

and hope you catch me...

in your eyes , let me see me.

let me be done

Here I am with my heart so cold,
unclear on what I heard & was told,
I believe you said you lost our soul,
while there I stood unaware of it all.

How it happened, I do not want to know,
I want to pick my life from here and go,
Now and right now.
Not the shame of it all, it is the pain of this so,
let me just go , go , go...

How does it feel to love, I forgot,
tears many to wipe away and move on,
it is not you I want now,
I want me, alone and done.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

No pain like love...

pain is indistinct
in ways it impairs
sipidly makes place,
for more.
conquers senses
you might have
had before.
silently runs in nerves
rots you within
killing life's verve
many ways like love
many times because of love

And you walked away

I tasted love in tears
that fell through my lips,
anger in merciless eyes,
those endless silences
unanswered pleas.
pain in betrayal,
those voices in my head
that you left behind,
those I still hear.
and yet I loved you
before the tears, the anger,
before the betrayal
and after.