Thursday, December 15, 2005

Why death is the worst of them all....

When I was 5 and my sis hit me blue and black
I bit her back

When I was 10 , my dog ate my icecream
I cried & got new one…

When I was 12 , my teacher told me
I was good for nothing
I studied hard.. and topped my class

When I was 14, my best friend won my crush
I knew I deserved better….

When I was 16 , the world was unfair
I waited until 20 and everything seemed square & fair..

when I was 18 I lost someone dear
I cried, I thought, and I waited,
nothing happened.................

death is the worst of them all
it never gives you a second chance..


How vague a word?
The definition in dictionary
Oxford, Stanford & r there more

But try will u?
Define the word happiness..
When I did it seemed like
That distant thin line
of concurrence
Of the skies and seas..
Sure it is exhiliarating
A game of mind…
Not reality but the truth u see

Happiness a vague feeling
Never been there,

anyone been there done that??


Silence ……………
It haunts , scares,
Blows trumpets
That you are alone

I hate silence….
The very word
Its very thought
When Agonizing memories
Come to life……

Its like a “.” ( period)
So full it might seem
But then think
Empty it stands later.